Alice and James
Alice and James: An Online Vintage Studio and Collective For The Love Warriors With A Killer Style.
Logo Design
Brand Collateral
Web Design
Social Media Strategy
Content Creation
the brand
An Online Vintage Studio and Collective
“An eclectic assortment of yesteryear for the Free Spirited Love Warrior with a Killer Style.”
Alice and James is a socially conscious, Online Vintage Studio and Collective. Conceived out of a love for vintage and philanthropy, the brand is an homage to the free-thinking taste-makers, and Love Warriors that wore these pieces before us; and the new generation that A+J is so proud to call The Alice and James Tribe.
My inspiration for the brand comes from everything that inspires me, my native home, my love for art, music, fashion, charity and everything in between. The brand is an eclectic melange of yesteryear for the rebel with a cause.